This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021
Educational degree and name of study: 
Doctor in Microbiology
Previous experiences and role: 
- Ecosur Laboratory. Responsible laboratory food microbiology (2014-2016) - Center for Edaphology and Biology applied to the Segura (CEBAS) (2010 – 2014) Postdoctoral researcher - Central University of Venezuela. Professor-Researcher of food microbiology (1993-2010)
Knowledge skills: 
Foodborne Pathogens: Detection of Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes,. Experience in research of Campylobacter in water, Research of Aeromonas, Plesiomonas and Yersinia enterocolitica. Detection and counting of microorganisms in food and beverages: Mesophilic aerobes, molds and yeasts, identification of molds in food. Count of total coliforms, fecal coliforms and E. coli in water and food. Detection of microorganisms associated with deterioration: Alyciclobacillus spp. Microbiological analysis of water: Count of C. perfringens, Pseudomonas, coliforms, E. coli, Legionella ISO Standards. Quality Control at the Food Microbiology Laboratory. Quality control of culture media. Management of microbial strains.
Language skills: 
English: advanced leve Spanish: mother tongue
Desired position: 
-Research and development of methods in microbiological analysis of foods -Quality control in food analysis laboratories -Microbiological analysis of food
Preferred country of employment: 
Spain, Europe