This website has been discontinued – last update by February 2021

The EuFooD-STA Centre, a platform with 8 physical local hubs, is an organisational innovation hub to bridge the gap between academia, industry, and other key stakeholders in the food sector. It will bring together the various stakeholders to foster successful learning for students and graduates, as well as for industry staff and other stakeholders – according to their needs. The local hubs are located in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and UK.
The main aims of the EuFooD-STA Centre are:
- To establish a consortium of representatives from universities, companies and students, supported by associated partners
- To coordinate innovative Higher Education (aiming e.g. at tuning of existing curricula) and CPD training at European level
- To support and strength the dialogue between academia, industry and stakeholders in the food sector
- To coordinate the activities of the different local hubs and to ensure an added value by the European level