EU FooD-STA partners
BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Country: Austria
Website: www.boku.ac.at
Considered as one of the leader establishments in the life sciences in France, AgroParisTech conducts two complementary missions:
- training of engineers and masters using "professionalizing" tools articulated in thematic or regional networks of industrial or academic partners,
- production and dissemination of knowledge (research and development) in partnership with major research organizations.
Country: France
Website: www.agroparistech.fr
IPC - Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Coimbra Polytechnic Institute (IPC) is currently comprised of 6 separate colleges with 10160 full-time students, 689 professors and has in its staff 413 people.
Country: Portugal
Website: www.ipc.pt
UHOH - Universität Hohenheim
University of Hohenheim
Country: Germany
Website: www.uni-hohenheim.de
UCP - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
The Catholic University of Portugal (UCP)
Country: Portugal
Website: www.esb.ucp.pt
Universita degli studi di Teramo
The Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo (UNITE), was funded in 2013 as joint institution of the Faculty of Agriculture (born in 1998) and the Department of Food Science.
Country: Italy
Website: www.unite.it
University of Leeds
The University of Leeds is one of the largest universities in the UK with over 30,000 students, 700 different first-degree programmes and 470 postgraduate degree programmes.
Country: UK
Website: www.leeds.ac.uk
Food companies
Frulact, Indústria Agro-Alimentar, S. A.
Frulact Group operates in the agro-industrial sector, more specifically in the fruit value chain. Its core business is the production of tailor made fruit preparations, designed for dairy, bakery, ice-cream and the beverage industries.
Country: Portugal
Website: http://www.frulact.pt
Country: Spain
Website: www.thegbfoods.com
Nestlé (Associated Partner)
Country: Switzerland
Website: www.nestle.ch
Multiplier organisations and training providers
ACTIA - Association de Coordination Technique pour l‘Industrie Agroalimentaire
Country: France
Website: www.actia-asso.eu
ANIA - Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires
Country: France
Website: www.ania.net
EFFoST - The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (Associated Partner)
Country: The Netherlands
Website: www.effost.org
Federalimentare - Federazione dell’Industria Alimentare Italiana
Country: Italy
Website: www.federalimentare.it
FIAB - Federación Españóla de la Alimentación y Bebidas
Country: Spain
Website: www.fiab.es
FIPA - Federação das Indústrias Portuguesas Agro–Alimentares
Country: Portugal
Website: www.fipa.pt
IFA - ISEKI-Food Association (Associated Partner)
Country: Austria
Website: www.iseki-food.net
IROICA - European network of international relations officers (Associated Partner)
Country: Belgium
Website: www.ica-ls.com/iroica/
LVA - Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt
Austrian Competence Centre of Food Safety
The LVA is the recognized competence center of the Austrian food industry and functions as analyst and advisor in all areas of the food industry.
Country: Austria
Website: www.lva.at
SEVT - Federation of Hellenic Food Industries
Country: Greece
Website: www.sevt.gr
SPES - Spread European Safety Geie (Associated Partner)
Country: Italy
Website: www.federalimentare.it/Attivita/SPES.asp
eFSC members
Alexander Technological Educational Institute, Department of Food Technology
The Department of Food Technology of the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (ATEITH) belongs to the School of Agricultural Technology, Food Technology and Nutrition.
Country: Greece
Website: www.food.teithe.gr/en/
Cyprus University of Technology
The Cyprus University of Technology aspires to develop itself into a modern, pioneering University able to offer education and high level research in leading branches of science and technology which have high impact on the economic, technical, and scientific sectors.
Country: Cyprus
Website: www.cut.ac.cy
PBF - Faculty of food technology and biotechnology, University of Zagreb
Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology is a high education institution and the central place of academic education of experts in the fields of food technology, biotechnology and nutrition in the Republic of Croatia.
Country: Croatia
Website: www.pbf.unizg.hr/en
OSIS - Omsk State Institute of Service
The Institute is focused on development of new curriculum and making research in areas related to food technology and biotechnology through general internationalization of education to correspond to international quality assuarance standards.
Country: Russian Federation
Website: www.omgis.ru
University of Murcia, Spain
Country: Spain
Website: www.um.es/web/veterinaria
Food companies
ALGAplus is devoted to the production of seaweed and seaweed based products in controlled environment and with organic certification. Sustainable production under the Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) concept, a strong focus in R&D and continuous support to their customers are their keystones.
Country: Portugal
Website: www.algaplus.pt
AnaVita Naturkost GmbH
AnaVita Naturkost GmbH is an owner-managed company providing delicatessen products for quality-conscious costumers.
Country: Germany
Website: http://www.anavita-gmbh.de/
Founded in 1978, operates in the baking industry producing and selling biscuits, cookies, toasts, cakes and other pastry products.
Country: Portugal
Website: www.dancake.pt
ICI & LA - Le Boucher Vert is a young start-up from Lyon manufacturer of meat alternative products, 100% plant made, based french and organic pulses. It uses green lentils, chickpeas or beans to make cean label burgers, balls or nuggets.
Country: France
Website: www.icietla-food.fr
The iSi Group is present worldwide with production and sales facilities, selling products to more than 80 countries. We provide customized solutions for all applications in which compressed energy is required in the form of pressurized gas chargers.
Country: Austria
Website: www.isi.com
Natural Food Additives G.P.
NFA is an innovation driven SME specializing in extracting bioactive compounds from organically cultivated herbs while investigating the use of different crop by-products as new sources of raw materials. NFA extraction processes are designed to recover different fractions of extracts including antioxidants, water/oil soluble phenols, rosmarinic acid, flavonoids etc. Recovered extracts are further processed to produce natural additives that can be applied in a wide range of food/cosmetics products. NFA products are tailored to be fully compatible with the final application system (food/cosmetics) taking into account its physicochemical and structural properties. NFA production processes are designed to produce volatile-free natural additives enabling their use without altering flavor and aroma characteristics (sensory attributes) of the final product applications. NFA is also providing services on (i) R&D consulting and (ii) new product development technical assessment to food producing SMEs. NFA team consist of experts specializing in food engineering and food technology with a strong and long term collaboration with the scientific and research community.
Country: Greece
Website: www.natural-foodadditives.com/
Multiplier organisations and training providers
CEBAS-CSIC - Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura
The CEBAS is a multidisciplinary center that carries out research related to numerous scientific and technical subjects, such as natural resources, although its main scientific areas are Agricultural Sciences and Food Science and Technology.
Country: Spain
Website: http://www.cebas.csic.es/index_eng.html
IFST - Institute of Food Science + Technology
UK’s leading professional membership body recognising and supporting those involved in all aspects of food science and technology.
Country: United Kingdom
Website: www.ifst.org/